API Endpoints

GET /bot/{app_id}

List of bots

Implementation Notes

Retrieve a list of your application’s bots. Response returns JSON object with info for each bot.

Returns a 401 error code for invalid app_ID or user_key, or if applicable, invalid referrer.

curl -v  -X GET 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID?user_key=USER_KEY'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

PUT /bot/{app_id}/{botname}

Create a bot

Implementation Notes

Create a new instance of a bot on the Pandorabots server.

If there is already a bot under the same app_id and botname, a 409 error is returned. Invalid botname will return a 400 error.

Creating more bots than your plan allows or using an invalid app_id or user_key (or if applicable referrer filter) returns a 401 error.

curl -v  -X PUT 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME?user_key=USER_KEY'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) Must be unique from all the other bots you have created under this app_id. Can only be numbers and lowercase letters, and must be between 3 and 64 characters long. path string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

DELETE /bot/{app_id}/{botname}

Delete a bot

Implementation Notes

Delete a bot on the Pandorabots server.

Deleting a bot that does not exist returns a 412 error. Invalid botname will return a 400 error. Invalid app_id, user_key, or referrer filter will return a 401 error.

curl -v  -X DELETE 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME?user_key=USER_KEY'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) Name of the bot to delete. path string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

GET /bot/{app_id}/{botname}

List of bot files

Implementation Notes

Retrieve a list of a bot’s files. Returns a JSON object with each bot file associated with bot specified.

Returns a 404 error code for bot not found. Returns a 401 error code for invalid app_ID, user_key, or referrer filter.

Thereturn=zipoption may not behave as expected using Active Docs 1.2

curl -v  -X GET 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME?user_key=USER_KEY'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) The name of the bot. path string
return   If set to zip, a zip file with all bot files will be returned. query string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

PUT /bot/{app_id}/{botname}/{file-kind}/{filename}

Upload a bot file (AIML, set, substitution, map)

Implementation Notes

Upload bot personality files to your bot. Files must be named with only lowercase letters and numbers with one of the following extensions:

AIML: Extension - .aiml, file-kind - file

Sets: Extension - .set, file-kind - set

Maps: Extension - .map, file-kind - map

Substitutions: Extension - .substitution, file-kind - substitution

The system will overwrite existing files with the file being uploaded.

If the request is malformed because the file name is invalid or malformed JSON for non-AIML files, a 400 error is returned. For malformed file-kind, a 404 error is returned. For invalid file or botname, a 412 error is returned.

If Active Doc spec is not working with this API, please use the following curl command examples:

curl -v -X PUT 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME/file/foobot.aiml?user_key=USER_KEY'
  --data-binary @/home/foo/foobot.aiml
curl -v -X PUT 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME/set/colors?user_key=USER_KEY'
  --data-binary @/home/foo/colors.set


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) Your bot’s name path string
file-kind (required) Specify the type of file being uploaded: file (for AIML files), map, substitution, set path string
filename (required) Filename to upload, must be named with only lowercase letters and numbers. Note: for non-AIML files, do not include the file extension in the path. path string
content Parameter content type: application/xml Type or Paste in file contents. body string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

PUT /bot/{app_id}/{botname}/{file-kind}

Upload a bot file (pdefaults, properties)

Implementation Notes

Upload bot personality files to your bot. Files must be named with only lowercase letters and numbers with one of the following extensions:

Properties: Extension - .properties, file-kind - properties, No filename required in path

Predicate defaults: Extension - .pdefaults, file-kind - pdefaults, No filename required in path

The system will overwrite existing files with the file being uploaded.

For malformed JSON in non-AIML files, a 400 error is returned. For malformed file-kind, a 404 error is returned. For invalid file or botname, a 412 error is returned.

If Active Doc spec is not working with this API, please use the following curl command examples:

curl -v -X PUT 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME/properties?user_key=USER_KEY'
  --data-binary @/home/foo/foobot.properties


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) Your bot’s name path string
file-kind (required) Specify the type of file being uploaded: pdefaults, properties path string
content Parameter content type: application/xml Type or Paste in file contents. body string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

DELETE /bot/{app_id}/{botname}/{file-kind}/{filename}

Delete a bot file (AIML, set, map, substitution)

Implementation Notes

Delete an AIML, set, map or substitution bot file

For malformed file-kind, a 404 error is returned. For invalid file or botname, a 412 error is returned.

curl -v -X DELETE 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME/FILE-KIND/FILENAME?user_key=USER_KEY'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) Name of the bot. path string
file-kind (required) Specify the type of file being deleted: file (for AIML files), map, substitution, set path string
filename (required) Filename to delete. Note: for non-AIML files, do not include the file extension in the path. path string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

DELETE /bot/{app_id}/{botname}/{file-kind}

Delete a bot file (pdefaults, properties)

Implementation Notes

Delete pdefaults or properties bot file.

For malformed file-kind, a 404 error is returned. For invalid botname, a 412 error is returned.

curl -v -X DELETE 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME/FILE-KIND?user_key=USER_KEY'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) Name of the bot. path string
file-kind (required) Specify the type of file being deleted: pdefaults, properties path string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

GET /bot/{app_id}/{botname}/{file-kind}/{filename}

Retrieve a bot file (AIML, set, map, substitution)

Implementation Notes

Retrieve an AIML, set, map or substitution bot file.

For malformed file-kind, a 404 error is returned. For invalid filename or botname, a 400 error is returned. For unknown bot or file, a 412 error is returned.

curl -v -X GET 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME/FILE-KIND/FILENAME?user_key=USER_KEY'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) Name of the bot. path string
file-kind (required) Specify the type of file being retrieved: file (for AIML files), map, substitution, set path string
filename (required) Filename to retrieve. Note: for non-AIML files, do not include the file extension in the path. path string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

GET /bot/{app_id}/{botname}/{file-kind}

Retrieve a bot file (pdefaults, properties)

Implementation Notes

Retrieve pdefaults or properties bot file.

For malformed file-kind, a 404 error is returned. For invalid botname, a 400 error is returned. For unknown bot or file, a 412 error is returned.

curl -v -X GET 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME/FILE-KIND?user_key=USER_KEY'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) Name of the bot. path string
file-kind (required) Specify the type of file being retrieved: pdefaults, properties path string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

GET /bot/{app_id}/{botname}/verify

Compile a bot

Implementation Notes

A bot personality is created by uploading AIML and other file types to Pandorabots. The files must compile correctly in order for the bot to run. By issuing a call to this API, Pandorabots will compile the bot, updating any changes that have been made to the files.

Compiling the bot makes its most recent version available for talk. A 400 error means that we were unable to compile your bot (you should check your files for syntax issues) or the botname was not found.

You can see any thrown errors in the results field of the returned JSON object:

curl -v  -X GET 'https://api.pandorabots.com/bot/APP_ID/BOTNAME/verify?user_key=USER_KEY'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
app_id (required) Your Application ID path string
botname (required) Your bot’s name path string
user_key (required) Your application’s user key. query string

POST /talk

Talk to a bot (Public Botkey)

Implementation Notes

Start or continue a conversation with the bot using the Talk API with your public botkey. Pandorabots will return a new session ID if not included in the call. Use the session ID returned to group interactions together to view in your bot’s Logs on the Dashboard. We recommend using the first session ID returned in subsequent API calls during an active conversation by your end-user. (NOTE: our system considers 30 minutes of idleness as the end of an active conversation)

If you do not provide a client name, Pandorabots will assume client is your application and all predicates and variable information will be associated with your application. Predicates assigned to clientname only persist during an active conversation and are flushed after a certain idle period.

NOTE: If you send multiple sentences to your bot in a single input, the API response will include multiple bot responses.

See Anonymous Talk API for details on how you can maintain persistent predicates for your end-users.

Malformed requests such as exceeding size of input or invalid clientname returns 400 error code. Error code 412 is returned if the bot is not compiled or does not exist. Error code 429 is returned if your application has reached maximum plan API call limit. If you receive intermittent 404 error messages, please contact support@pandorabots.com, as this could be load balancing issue we need to resolve.

The response array will contain one element (response) for each sentence you input to the bot. You can configure which characters delimit a new sentence in the input by modifying the sentence-splitters property in your bot’s property file.

curl -v  -X POST 'https://api.pandorabots.com/talk?botkey=BOTKEY&input=INPUT'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
botkey (required) Your Bot’s Public Key path string
input (required) Message to be sent to the bot. This can contain multiple sentences. Currently the limit is 2000 characters. query string
client_name   Identifies your application’s end user. You can assign each of your end users a unique client_name. This will allow you to set predicates and other variable information that is specific to an individual. Format required is 3-64 characters in length and only numbers or lower-case letters [0-9][a-z] query string
sessionid   Session ID generated by Pandorabots. This allows the application to group individual conversations into a collection as needed. If not included in the call, Pandorabots will issue a new session ID. (4-byte integer type) query string
recent   If true, the system will not signal an error if the bot is uncompiled, and will instead look for a previous version of the bot that is available. query string
that   For debugging purposes, you can specify a ‘that’ with the input that supersedes the existing that in bot memory. query string
topic   For debugging purposes, you can specify a ‘topic’ with the input that supersedes the existing topic in bot memory. query string
extra   Return extra conversation information. If true, input, pattern, that, topic, filename, and template associated with the pattern matched are returned in addition to response and sessionid. query string
reset   Reset the bot memory. If true, all predicate values in the bot will be discarded, and the user can talk to the bot as if it is the first time query string
trace   Include trace data in the response. If true, the system will generate AIML trace information for the input. Trace data includes pattern matched, filename, input, template for all recursion levels. NOTE: for security reasons, trace does not work with client_name. query string
reload   If true, the system will force a reload of the bot into memory. This can be useful if you’ve recently uploaded an AIML file, recompiled your bot and want access to your bot’s latest changes. query string
recent   If true, the system will not signal an error if the bot is uncompiled, and will instead look for a previous version of the bot that is available. query string

POST /atalk

Anonymous Talk (Public Botkey)

Implementation Notes

Start a conversation with the bot using the Anonymous Talk API. This method will allow you to request creation of an end-user client_name that can maintain persistent predicates per end-user talking to your bot.

If client_name is NOT sent in the request, then Pandorabots will create a end-user client_name and return it in the response. Similar to the Talk to Bot API, Pandorabots will also return a new session ID if not included in the call. Use the session ID returned to group interactions together to view in your bot’s Log on the Dashboard. We recommend using the first session ID returned in subsequent API calls during an active conversation by your end-user. (NOTE: our system considers 30 minutes of idleness as the end of an active conversation)

In addition to bot response and session ID, the HTTP response will include a new end-user client_name in the following format:
aiaas-XXX-user-nnnn, where XXX is your app_ID and nnnn is numeric starting with 0000 and incrementing after each request.

Malformed requests such as exceeding size of input or unknown end-user client_name returns 400 error code. Error code 412 is returned if the bot is not compiled or does not exist. Error code 429 is returned if your application has reached maximum plan API call limit.

curl -v  -X POST 'https://api.pandorabots.com/atalk/APP_ID/BOTNAME?user_key=USER_KEY&input=INPUT'


Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
botkey (required) Your Bot’s Public Key path string
input (required) Message to be sent to the bot. This can contain multiple sentences. Currently the limit is 2000 characters. query string
client_name   Leave blank to request Pandorabots to create a client_name which will support persistent predicates. Including a valid client_name in this parameter will work in the same way that Talk to Bot API but with persistent predicates. It is recommended to use this API only to create an end-user client_name, and then use normal Talk to Bot API to continue conversation with the bot. query string
sessionid   Session ID generated by Pandorabots. This allows the application to group individual conversations into a collection as needed. If not included in the call, Pandorabots will issue a new session ID. (4-byte integer type) query string
recent   If true, the system will not signal an error if the bot is uncompiled, and will instead look for a previous version of the bot that is available. query string