
Pandorabots offers a one- and three-day introductory classes for beginners or professionals. Courses are taught on-line (typically using the GoToMeeting software). On site courses are also available.

We offer 1 and 3 day classes depending on participant backgrounds. Graduates (with sufficient prerequisites) can expect to be completely independent and self sufficient after one of our classes.

The Introductory Course Syllabus for the one- and three-day courses covers the same material.

The one-day course is designed for participants with some computer skills, including familiarity with a general text editor and experience with a markup language such as HTML or X(H)TML.

The three-day course includes a daily 3-hour hands-on laboratory class where participants will independently develop a pandorabot.

Each course day spans 9 hours, and includes two 30 minute breaks and an hour lunch break.

Participants should bring laptops for hands-on exercises, and a test shall be given at the end of the class. Successful graduates will earn a Pandorabots Professional Certificate acknowledging their professional accomplishments at developing knowledge for a Pandorabot. Each certificate requires the participant to obtain a passing grade of at least 70% on a test covering the designed curriculum.

Professional Certificate holders receive an official Certificate from Pandorabots and the option of having their name and accomplishment published on the Pandorabots website.

Contact to schedule your class today.