Pandorabots operates a both a free community hosting service and premium hosting services used to build and deploy virtual personalities - or human-like chatbots. Pandorabots arose out of a vision of using open-source standards supporting the development and deployment of artificially intelligent chatbots. Built around web standards, our services provide high-quality relationship-fostering chatbots for use on devices, websites and the internet of things. Over 200,000 customers have signed up and created chatbots with us. Here is a short summary slide show (audio begins with slide 4) illustrating how Pandorabots are used throughout the world.
Chatbots are used by thousands of websites and applications to facilitate communication, for entertainment purposes, branding and marketing purposes, sales transaction assistance, story-telling, customer help desk functions, and just about any interaction that benefits from human communication.
Pandorabots supports the development and deployment of chatbots based on an open standard AIML. Chatbot content (chatbot brains) are developed with AIML. The non-profit organization Alicebot.org improves the AIML standard and organizes AIML conferences and events. And a thriving online community of users, site administrators, designers, and web developers work hard to continually improve the software - see Alicebot.org
The number of users has grown enormously since we started. At the time of this writing, the pandorabots website hosts over 230,000 pandorabots and has collected over 1.8 billion interactions with clients in many different languages.
In addition to offering premium services, We are committed to maintaining the pandorabots’ community website as a free site.
The Pandorabots community has created a remarkable collection of personalities that appear on sites of all sizes and descriptions, all around the world. Together, we’ve crafted a robust, extensible open standards-based framework for chatbot content development that illustrates some of the key values in our community: flexibility and utility, innovation and openness. Pandorabots began as a developer’s platform, and our community has evolved substantially, with the authors, designers and advertisers joining our community. This website will compile together information useful to all members of our community.
Some of you have requested that we offer performance improvements to our services. To meet these requests we’ve begun using cloud computing resources. These fee-based services offer you increased options - including increased storage for conversation logs, web-hosted service availability guarantees, and access to additional authoring tools for creating pandorabots. Please read further about our current paid services.
We welcome suggestions and requests for improvements along with suggestions to reduce expenses. Please send your comments to info@pandorabots.com.
Feb 15, 2014