Cybersphinx for Libraries - A Virtual Assistant Librarian for Libraries

Cybersphinx - a Virtual Assistant Librarian

  1. What is it?

    Cybersphinx for Libraries is a fully-customizable chatbot that works to automate routine and low-level inquiries currently handled by librarians. The virtual assistant librarian is capable of answering questions about library hours, location, special events, etc. It is incapable of performing the functions of a research librarian.

    The virtual assistant librarian answers most of your frequently encountered questions. And answers them well. The virtual assistant librarian has a customizable personality - your patrons will enjoy interacting with it - and leave with a good experience.

  2. What does this cost?

    If is free to library patrons and free to the library. Moreover, multiple virtual assistant librarians are available on web-accessible computers through a browser at no charge. They provide answers to commonly asked simple reference questions. Your patrons may access them at no charge from any computer.

  3. What does it really cost the library?

    Customizing the virtual assistant librarian for your specific library requires creating some answers to your library-specific information. It is very easy to do, and anyone with modest computer skills can do it. You can easily contract with external consultants. The creation cost is also very low.

  4. Why are you doing this?

    Pandorabots believes virtual assistant librarians will lower library costs and increase library usage. We’ve been offering our artificial intelligence technology at no charge since 2002. Our chatbots (virtual assistants) are more widely used than any other similar technology. We host your chatbots on our own servers and do so at no charge. Some customers want specific service guarantees and we provide that for a very modest monthly fee. Other customers want specific connections to library (subscription) databases or inclusion of specific collections. We also provide these services.

  5. Can I try out a demo?

    Please check out the demo below. Ask the virtual assistant librarian questions like: Where is the library located? What are the hours for the library? What is your name? What can you do? So what kinds of questions will fail? This demo is not connected to a catalog yet. So asking about specific books or authors will fail.

Meet Cybersphinx

© Copyright Pandorabots Incorporated 2013