
We imagine an entirely new way of delivering ads through the internet. Unlike existing ads, our ads consists of an entire pandorabot. We call them PandoraAds. Potential viewers are presented either with a conversational interface or a link to such an interface.

We offer a simple Mock Up of such an Ad in the next figure. In the Mock Up, we’ve presented a pandorabot lacking any particular brand identification features. But these could easily be added.

1 - Mock up of PandoraAd

1 - Mock up of concept PandoraAd chatbot with sample conversation


We present a number of possible scenarios involving PandoraAds.

  1. Facilitating customer transactions

    Imagine Jill clicks on a camera ad. Jill is presented with a PandoraAd - a chat bot. Jill asks questions. At the same time, in another location, a sales representative Jack, monitors the conversation between Jill and the PandoraAd. At any time, Jack can intervene by directing the PandoraAd’s responses, and appearing as though he is the PandoraAd. Jack may provide more relevant answers, and more importantly, offer to call Jill with more information, or help on completing a financial transaction.

  2. Building Brand Identification

    Imagine Jill clicks on a well-known character identified with brand - say Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse is an entirely entertaining PandoraAd, and functions only to build awareness of the Walt Disney brand.

  3. Building Anticipation

    Imagine Jill clicks on an upcoming but as-yet-unreleased movie. Jill interacts with one or more characters represented as individual PandoraAds, and develops an increased desire to see the movie.

  4. Non-profit Causes

    Imagine Jill clicks on a Sierra Club PandoraAd and learns she can assist in the passage of a proposed law. The PandoraAd may help her draft a short note and send it to her political representative.

  5. Ads on pandorabots

    Jill enjoys interacting with an entertaining pandorabot. Now imagine incorporating ads inside this pandorabot. Conversational content is monitored and new relevant ads are offered within the contextual frame enclosing the pandorabot. Some of these ads may themselves be PandoraAds.


PandoraAds have many interesting features potentially useful for Advertisers.

  1. An interesting and important feature of PandoraAds arises from the ability to monitor conversational content in real time. Advertisers gain instant notifications (through instant message channels) of potential customer interest. PandoraWords, a related technology, allows advertisers to dynamically respond to different words that appear in conversations.
  2. Unlike traditional advertisements, a PandoraAd’s effectiveness is much easier to measure. Any interaction with a PandoraAd signals interest. PandoraAd conversation logs are maintained for each separate interaction, and the ability of the PandoraAd to induce an eager interest in a prospect is easily measurable.